- aerotitis
- мед. аэротит
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
aerotitis — Inflamación del oído como consecuencia de cambios en la presión atmosférica. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
Aerotitis — Middle ear problems due to changing atmospheric pressures, as when a plane descends to land. The problems include ear pain, ringing, diminished hearing and, sometimes, dizziness. The word aerotitis (pronounced aer o tit is) is compounded from aer … Medical dictionary
aerotitis — n. from the term aerotitis media (inflammation of the middle ear caused by changes in atmospheric pressure) … English contemporary dictionary
aerotitis media — Inflamación o hemorragia del oído medio producida por la existencia de una diferencia entre la presión del aire en el oído medio y la de la atmósfera, como sucede en los cambios bruscos de altitud, en las inmersiones o en las cámaras hiperbáricas … Diccionario médico
aerotitis media — /air euh tuy tis, air / temporary deafness and pain arising from traumatic inflammation of the middle ear, caused by a rapid change in barometric pressure, as a rise in ambient cabin pressure in an aircraft descending from high altitude for… … Universalium
aerotitis media — /air euh tuy tis, air / temporary deafness and pain arising from traumatic inflammation of the middle ear, caused by a rapid change in barometric pressure, as a rise in ambient cabin pressure in an aircraft descending from high altitude for… … Useful english dictionary
aerotitis — variant of aero otitis … Useful english dictionary
aerotitis media — SYN: barotitis media. [aero + G. ous, ear, + itis, inflammation] * * * barotitis media … Medical dictionary
Barotitis — Middle ear problems due to changing atmospheric pressures, as when a plane descends to land. The problems include ear pain, ringing, diminished hearing and, sometimes, dizziness. The word barotitis (pronounced bar o tit is) is compounded from bar … Medical dictionary
Otic barotrauma — Middle ear problems due to changing atmospheric pressures, as when a plane descends to land. The problems include ear pain, ringing, diminished hearing and, sometimes, dizziness. Alternate terms include aerotitis: aerotitis media, barotitis,… … Medical dictionary
barotitis media — Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear caused by pressure difference within the middle ear relative to ambient pressure, secondary to obstruction of the auditory tube or its … Medical dictionary